Beijing: Xi Jining receives the governors of Hong Kong and Macao. Behind him appears for the first time the painting A park full of spring colors, one of the ten works of the artist Shi Jun with which President Xi has enriched the rooms of the Zhongnanhai.
在2016(應該是2013)年聖誕節前的迎賓大廳的牆壁上仍掛著簡單的垂直旗桿,尚未有任何顯著圖畫痕跡. 2016年12月23日聖誕節前夕,中國國家主席習近平在此會議大廳接接見港澳兩個經濟特區特首,在國家主席習近平身後掛了一幅巨大的畫作。是誰畫的?是哪一位藝術家,贏得國家主席習近平的青睞?
The painting “A park full of spring colors” chosen by President Xi for his Hall of Encounters.
The artist Shi Jun, 60, lives in Hunan, a mountainous province in southern China, halfway up the Yangtze River, birthplace of the Long March leader Mao Zedong. Shi Jun has been the spearhead of the team of artists represented by the Grace Xie gallery in Taipei for twenty years. The artist resumed his dedication to the gift that the Apostolic Nuncio of Taiwan brought to Pope Francis.
在追尋藝術家之旅, 我們先來到了台灣首善之都, 台北市, 拜訪著名畫廊, 兩儀文化藝術公司, 畫廊總監謝玉玲 (Grace Hsieh) 及其妹妹Aria, 展示他們所收藏各種各樣的美麗繪畫, 刺繡, 珍稀書籍, 衍伸藝術作品精緻的純羊毛披肩. Grace 解釋: 「習近平後面的那幅畫題名是「滿園春色」, 創作藝術家是石君, 現年約60歲, 中國湖南省人, 與毛澤東同鄉, 石君是傳統中國國畫藝術家, 也是我們代理藝術家中的翹楚. 他的藝術風格風靡了前任 梵蒂岡駐台大使羅素蒙席(Paul Fitzpatrick Russell)(57歲,馬薩諸塞州格林菲爾德的美國人), 並在其建議下, 在東方寫意中融合西方寫實風格.
Xi Jinping (Fuping, June 15, 1953) with his wife Peng Liyuan, an opera singer with a passion for art. Married in 1987, she gave the Chinese leader a daughter, Xi-Mingze, student at Harvard. On March 17, Xi was elected by the 2,970 delegates for a second term at the summit of the People’s Republic of China from the 13th National People’s Congress, the annual legislative session, which could have it govern for a longer time after the removal of the limit from the Constitution of the two terms. Xi was also confirmed as head of the Central Military Commission. In this way, Xi maintains the “trinity”: general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Presidency of the Republic and Presidency of the Central Military Commission. He is part of the group Taizi (“red princes”), which brings together the children and grandchildren of the protagonists of the “Long March” and the victory of 1949: he is the son of Xi Zhongxun, a Communist long standing, vice premier of reformist inspiration (he was the architect of the special economic zones desired by Deng Xiaoping in the early eighties to favor the industrial take-off of the country and attract foreign investments).
Grace 另講述了: 「在2012年(應該是2013), 在海選藝術家, 為中南海的許多會議室, 賦予美麗和色彩過程中, 習近平受到他的第二任妻子彭麗媛的鼓舞,(她是一位熱愛藝術的歌劇聲樂家,1987年結婚, 生一個女兒, 哈佛大學學生習明澤) 雀屏中選我們之前送去海選的精緻目錄及石君作品. 他們接見了這位毛主席同鄉的藝術家, 並在中南海給他一個工作室, 聘請石君為中南海畫畫. 畫作超過十幅, 其中一幅就是滿園春色掛在會議室的中央
最後而且是最有趣的是: 羅素蒙席在離開台灣轉赴新任所前, 特別致贈給教宗方濟各, 石君 親筆簽名畫作目錄及純羊毛披肩. 這位藝術家以軟實力沈靜而堅定著牽線了中國和梵蒂岡.
The Archbishop Paul Fitzpatrick Russell, before leaving for the new seat assigned by the Vatican (in 2016 he was transferred as Apostolic Nuncio for Turkey and Turkmenistan) wanted to give to Pope Francis a shawl and a catalog autographed by Shi Jun. Artist who now combines two realities (China and the Vatican) in slow but steady and, hopefully definitive, approach.